Nomination Fee

Types of Awards :*
Product/Project Category :*
Product/Project Title:*

Section A

Details of Applicant

Name of Organisation:*
Postal Code:
Telephone No:
(with area code)
Mobile No:*
(with country code)
Facebook page of your organisation:
LinkedIn page of your organisation:
Twitter handle of your organisation:

Section B

Details of Product/Project

Brief Description:*
(Maximum word limit of 2000 Characters)
Target Group:*

Geographical Reach
Please specify reach within India:
Please specify reach outside India:
When did it become operational:
Is it still operational:*
 Yes     No
Five points that make it innovative:*
Five key achievements:*
Five key challenges faced while implementing the Project and how they were overcome:*

Five points that make the Project replicable:

Five points to elaborate on the scalability of the Project:*
Documents publishing URL:
Facebook page of the Project:
LinkedIn page of the Project:
Twitter handle of the Project:
Upload Organisation Logo:*
(Maximum file size 1 MB in jpeg, jpg or png format)

Upload supporting documents:
(Maximum file size 1 MB in pdf or doc format)

Upload scanned copy of Authorisation Certificate:
(Maximum file size 1 MB in pdf or doc format)